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signed by author!
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signed by author!
The story of a man who suffered a devastating tragedy. In the longest second of his life, he became a quadriplegic. Despite being given such an enormously grievous plight, he remained steadfast in the pursuit of one singular goal: to walk again for the sake of his son.
john roderick
a story of

I fell in love with words as a little girl...
I loved the way they sounded as they effortlessly and sometimes too carelessly fell out of the mouths of the adults around me. I was obsessed with them. By the age of five I was making up lyrics for songs with words of which I hardly knew the meaning. By fifteen I was filling pages and pages of my journals with poems and ideas drenched in youthful intensity in order to understand the meaning of existence. At this tender juncture of adolescence and adulthood, words became more than my fascination. They were my safety.
During my university years as a British Literature and Political Science double major, my curricular requirements gave me complete permission and unlimited access to comprehensively delve into the writings of some of the greatest thinkers, philosophers and writers of all times. And so my flaming tryst with words was fanned. Life after college led me into a career of private mentoring and public speaking. Alongside which I was the lead singer/songwriter of a rock band, performing on stages all across the States and the UK. Writing thoughts for talks and sessions and writing lyrics for songs, I couldn't be more satisfied with my word-based vocations.
With each new season, I find solace in the company of words. They have been and still are the key tools of all my defined duties and all my dearest devotions.
When Covid hit the world, I reflexively became reclusive. Everyone was affected. Everyone was telling her story. Everyone was giving his answer to an unidentified problem. Everyone, all at once was desperately trying to find a way through the panic. On social media, on the news channels, on zoom gatherings, everywhere. It sounded like chaos in my mind. It was so loud in the world that I was losing my own words. I decided to disengage for a short while and use the time to silence my surroundings. I started reading. I started journaling. I started meditating for long periods at a time. As the noise quieted around me, my thoughts began to come back to me. And so did my words. Lots and lots of words. And I knew it was time to write a book about the one thing of which the world was in such dire need. HOPE. Subsequently, my first literary baby, THE WALKING QUAD - A Story of John Roderick was conceived.
It is my hope that this book, this narrative of hope will shift the very fault lines of your daily perspectives. That it will allow you to catch the spark you need to overcome your own personal "Everests". In a time such as this, it will restore your strength.
I am presently residing in the blazing beauty of the Sonoran Desert of Arizona.
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